Monday, May 24, 2010

My First Post

Ah yes, the first post. What to say? First, welcome! (If there is anyone out there, of course.) I don't know what brought you here, but if you are even remotely interested in Catholic liturgy I think that this blog will be of some interest to you. I am not a professional blogger/writer/journalist and thus do not promise to offer anything close to a comprehensive treatment of what can be described as liturgical, but I do promise to share with you my own thoughts and musings and would invite you to share yours as well.

Now, who am I to muse about the liturgy? Well, it must be said that I am by no means an authority on the subject. I am a 22 year old seminarian studying for the priesthood who has attained a Pontifical Bachelor's and Licentiate degree in Philosophy. The Apostolic See has given me the authority the speak about St. Thomas' distinction between esse and essence, but as for the liturgy all that I have to offer is my own experience and private study. Thus take everything you read on here with a grain of salt - I offer you only my thoughts and, at the end (as well as the beginning) of the day I fully submit to those who have competency in the area.

So, if you're interested in the slightly traditional musings of a seminarian who has seen and experienced a lot of different liturgies, then keep coming back.

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